Smooth Electrolysis, LLC.

Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal

Electrolysis it is the only FDA approved method to permanently remove unwanted hair anywhere from the body and transforming your life by eliminating  the need for time-consuming temporary hair removal regiments. Electrolysis is successful on all skin and hair types.
You will love the look of your smooth hair-free skin.

Smooth Electrolysis Technicans Here To Serve You.


Anastasia Stegich, L.E.

Owner and Founder of the Pracice.

We are Smooth Electrolysis

Smooth Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal state-of-art office serving the greater Northside Chicago communities and others. Our team consists of licensed electrologists that are experts who are dedicated to delivering exceptional care to all. One of the most common cosmetic concerns today is unwanted facial and body hair. At Smooth Electrolysis, our highly trained technicians use the latest technology to gently and effectively provide permanent hair removal. We enjoy spending time collaborating with our clients on how their visual appearance helps define them as individuals.